"The formation of natural diamonds requires very high temperatures and pressures.
In order for a diamond to be created, carbon must be placed under at least 435,113 pounds per square inch (psi or 30 kilobars) of pressure at a temperature of at least 752 degrees Fahrenheit (400 Celsius).
If conditions drop below either of these two points, graphite will be created. At depths of 93 miles (150 km) or more, pressure builds to about 725,189 psi (50 kilobars) and heat can exceed 2,192 F (1,200 C). Most diamonds that we see today were formed millions (if not billions) of years ago. Powerful magma eruptions brought the diamonds to the surface."
"Only one diamond has ever been found that has produced a dark-blue diamond the size and
quality of the Hope Diamond. That gives you some sense of just how unusual and how remarkable it is."

I know this seems rather random, but the genius's say that all the answers to the universe are present in the world, you just have to look around and learn from nature.
Take the diamond for instance. There is a lot we can learn from the diamond in relation to our own lives.
Did you know that it takes 850,000 pounds of pressure per sqaure inch in order for carbon to become a diamond within fours days?
When you think about our daily pressures it makes sense that this can relate to us. How many successful and wise people have you known that didn't go through tons of pressure to achieve that wisdom, knowledge and success?
So, many people say, "Why do bad things always seem to happen to me?", "Why does everything have to be so hard?" or "Why can't my life just be easy?"
The answer is simple, progress would be non-existent if everything was already perfect.
Did you know that in order to cut a diamond into the beautiful million-dollar facets the world has come to love you can't use a pillow?
"Well, duh", you say."That's a no brainer!" Seriously, if you want your life to be diamond quality then you can't expect to become a multi-facted person with soft, easy, cushy experiences.
You wouldn't expect to use a soft cottony pillow to cut a diamond any more than you could expect a person to acheive the postion of the President of the United States by sitting around the house sipping tea, playing video games and never encountering a single moment of strife.
It takes pressure to guide us into ambition and struggle to appreciate the lessons of the journey. It is a proven fact that people who have gone through difficult experiences have had the best results in helping others going through similar difficulties.
Who's opinion would you value more? Someone who has had a easy, worry free life, absent of any obstacles or someone who has survived through the most oppressive guantlet of trials?
As long as we allow, concern, trauma, stress, oppression, prejudices, injustices, pressures, obstacles and mistakes can hone and refine us into diamond caliber material; stronger and nobeler than an other, capable of surviving anything.
Did you know that to cut a diamond into amazing brilliance there are only two things combined that have been found to work?
Oil and diamond dust.
Which if we look at it metaphorically oil can translate into slippery slopes, situations that are hard to get a handle on, aspirations that seem to slip out of our hands and oiled words that can cloud our vision and make the way nigh impossible to gain traction on toward progress.
The Diamond dust can refer to other people who have gone through the refining process of becoming a mutil-faceted-diamond-grade-person and who we can gain insight, knowledge, inspiration, and a positive proven model of how to make it through the pressures and high temperatures of life.
Did you know that diamonds are created far beneath the surface of the earth in a spot called the Diamond Stability Zone?
Just like the beginning materials of a diamond that can only be formed far beneath the surface, we too have the best of us hidden deep within.
We may not be able to see these gem-forming-ingredients on the surface but changes are contiunally going on inside us and the more refining we allow to happen within the more spectacular the results will be.
Have you ever heard of the Moh scale? It is the means of measuring the hardness or strength and endurance of a mineral.The scale goes from 1, the softest mineral, the kind that ccan be scratched by your fingernail, Talc. To 10, the hardest mineral, which can only be scratched by itself, the diamond.
The word diamond comes from the Greek word
adamas, which means
Unconquerable and
Indestructible and is
the same word
adamant comes from
There is a good lesson here.
Diamonds can only be hurt by themselves.
The same in a way is true for us. A Talc person, allows every obstacle to harm or offend them, they focus on the negative aspects in even the most potentially uplifting siuations.They habitually blame all their problems on others and push the responsibility for thier happiness into others hands and lament that noone cares enough to do the right thing.
A Diamond person is someone who is strong in thier self-worth, does not allow others or outside influences to determine the course of thier actions or convictions. When troubles and injusticies arrive they know that they are accountable for the next step they take. They are ever-vigilent in choosing and acting on what is right regardless of the circumstances, seeing the positive in obstacles, using mistakes as stepping stones, picking themselves up when they falter, helping others when they can and trusting that the higher good will prevail. A Diamond person knows that only you can decide whether you will allow situations to break your spirit or make it stronger, unconquerable and indestructible.
How does this all relate to you? Well, we each must go through great pressure, high temperature and oily experiences in order to achieve a multi-faceted spirit. We all must make a choice whether to be adamant in learning from the difficulties we cross or to allow it to dissolve out spirit.
Are you like a diamond or talc? You have the potential to be spectacular and abundantly-faceted.
At the first signs of the storm make the choice to be like a Diamond. Remind yourself throughout that though you may not be in control of the situation you ARE in control of you. It may be scary. It may seem as though it will swallow you whole, but it WILL end and the clouds WILL clear. Rather than melt away in the rain you will remain adamant in your right to grow in spirit. You will ride the storm into submission and come out with a brilliance no one will truthfully be able to deny.
I believe in you. You have the makings to amaze the world you live in.
You are a diamond!
~A diamond was never created out of the soft untried earth. The hotter the temperatures and the greater the pressures the more beautiful and indestructible it becomes.
Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/diamond.html#ixzz1YnYK593P
Read more: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/diamond.html#ixzz1YnYFcgR5