When I worked as an Inn Keeper at the Grand Anne Bed & Breakfast it became clear to me that most were coming there to retreat from the ails of their life. It was a time for them to regroup and mend and refresh themselves. Because of this there were occasions when my guests would suffer from the residue of stress, worry and emotional pain. These woes of life would manifest as stomach pains and migraines.

Part of the magic of staying at a Bed & Breakfast is the Breakfast.
There is a sort of healing that can be felt when you come down stairs to a long decorated table already set as though the banquet has been waiting just for your arrival. Unique strangers join you and you begin to learn of their tales and share your own stories.
Whilst you are enjoying the company of new friends four courses of gourmet Epicurean delights are meticulously plated and set before you, each one effortlessly removed before the next surprise is presented.
By the end your cares and concerns are lifted and forgotten. Only the memories of this magical meal remain.
So, as you can see the Breakfast is extremely important! To miss it is to miss the best of experiences, but when you are in the anguish of nausea, as migraines and stomach pains tend to elicit, food is a burden and the last thing you want to have on your mind.
It is this reason that I discovered--somehow on my own--how to rid of nausea, stomach pain and migraines within 30 minutes. So thoroughly did my remedies work that I never had a guest miss breakfast on account of either ailment.
I am going to share with you my secret, gasp! Well, its not much of a secret anymore. I tend to give it out when I know someone is suffering. What has brought me to think of sharing this? I awoke this morning with both!
Stomach/Nausea Relief
You will need:
Peppermint- 100% Essential Oil
A large pot of hot water
A large, heat proof pitcher
2 Drinking Cups, preferably one larger than the other
1. Put 1 drop of Peppermint into 1 cup.
Fill cup with hot water and pour contents into the pitcher. (Do NOT get zealous and put more than one drop of Peppermint it will be extremely overpowering. We put it in the cup first in case you accidentally put more than 1 drop you can rinse it out and start over without ruining the entire pitcher.)
2. Fill pitcher with hot water.
3. Fill both cups with the peppermint water.
4. Set the smaller one aside for drinking. This is your Drinking Cup.
5. Add 1 drop peppermint to the larger cup. This is your Breathing Cup.
Take your Breathing Cup and inhale slowly until you feel confident with taking deeper breaths. You should begin to feel some of the nausea dissipate.
There will most likely be some rumbling in your stomach, but it will feel better than before.
Take the Drinking Cup and sip the Tea. Continue until the nausea and discomfort is gone.
Migraine Relief
You will need:
Lavender - 100% Essential Oil ( The Now brand is the only one I've found potent enough. Though I haven't tried many others on account this works so well.)
A Medium Bowl filled with Ice Water
A Clean Washcloth
Hands- preferably someone else's, but yours will do in a pinch.
1. Add 5 drops of Lavender to bowl of Ice Water.
2. Soak cloth into Lavender Water and wring out.
3. Lying down flat to comfortableness, place the cloth onto the hottest areas of your head. Do not allow the cloth to become warm. When the cloth is no longer cool place it back into the bowl of Lavender Ice water and repeat the process.
You will most likely need to do this several times. The cloth will lose its cool very quickly until the inflammation is under control. You may need to add more ice to the bowl if the water becomes warm.
4. Continuing to lie flat place hands over head. Do not touch yet, you just want to get a feel for where the most heat is coming from-- we will call this the Found Area. Once you've located where the heat is emanating from go to the next step.
5. Place your fingertips on the Found Area. Gently allow the palms of your hands to cradle the head. Begin to add light pressure to the Found Area and carefully, lightly slide your fingers across it.
Use your intuition to tell you the direction to move your fingers or if you should just continue to add pressure. just do what Feels right. There may be soreness, tightness or even fluid under the area just be gentle and continue until the heat dissipates.
If you are having difficulty following your intuition; simply place your fingers on the hot areas, one becomes cool, place your fingers onto the next. You may either hold your finger tips on these areas or barely pulse your tips onto it.
6. Repeat this process until all the hot areas are gone and or the Migraine has been lifted.

Part of the magic of staying at a Bed & Breakfast is the Breakfast.
There is a sort of healing that can be felt when you come down stairs to a long decorated table already set as though the banquet has been waiting just for your arrival. Unique strangers join you and you begin to learn of their tales and share your own stories.
Whilst you are enjoying the company of new friends four courses of gourmet Epicurean delights are meticulously plated and set before you, each one effortlessly removed before the next surprise is presented.
By the end your cares and concerns are lifted and forgotten. Only the memories of this magical meal remain.
So, as you can see the Breakfast is extremely important! To miss it is to miss the best of experiences, but when you are in the anguish of nausea, as migraines and stomach pains tend to elicit, food is a burden and the last thing you want to have on your mind.
It is this reason that I discovered--somehow on my own--how to rid of nausea, stomach pain and migraines within 30 minutes. So thoroughly did my remedies work that I never had a guest miss breakfast on account of either ailment.
I am going to share with you my secret, gasp! Well, its not much of a secret anymore. I tend to give it out when I know someone is suffering. What has brought me to think of sharing this? I awoke this morning with both!
Stomach/Nausea Relief
You will need:
Peppermint- 100% Essential Oil
A large pot of hot water
A large, heat proof pitcher
2 Drinking Cups, preferably one larger than the other
1. Put 1 drop of Peppermint into 1 cup.
Fill cup with hot water and pour contents into the pitcher. (Do NOT get zealous and put more than one drop of Peppermint it will be extremely overpowering. We put it in the cup first in case you accidentally put more than 1 drop you can rinse it out and start over without ruining the entire pitcher.)
2. Fill pitcher with hot water.
3. Fill both cups with the peppermint water.
4. Set the smaller one aside for drinking. This is your Drinking Cup.
5. Add 1 drop peppermint to the larger cup. This is your Breathing Cup.
Take your Breathing Cup and inhale slowly until you feel confident with taking deeper breaths. You should begin to feel some of the nausea dissipate.
There will most likely be some rumbling in your stomach, but it will feel better than before.
Take the Drinking Cup and sip the Tea. Continue until the nausea and discomfort is gone.
Migraine Relief
You will need:
Lavender - 100% Essential Oil ( The Now brand is the only one I've found potent enough. Though I haven't tried many others on account this works so well.)
A Medium Bowl filled with Ice Water
A Clean Washcloth
Hands- preferably someone else's, but yours will do in a pinch.
1. Add 5 drops of Lavender to bowl of Ice Water.
2. Soak cloth into Lavender Water and wring out.
You will most likely need to do this several times. The cloth will lose its cool very quickly until the inflammation is under control. You may need to add more ice to the bowl if the water becomes warm.
5. Place your fingertips on the Found Area. Gently allow the palms of your hands to cradle the head. Begin to add light pressure to the Found Area and carefully, lightly slide your fingers across it.
Use your intuition to tell you the direction to move your fingers or if you should just continue to add pressure. just do what Feels right. There may be soreness, tightness or even fluid under the area just be gentle and continue until the heat dissipates.
If you are having difficulty following your intuition; simply place your fingers on the hot areas, one becomes cool, place your fingers onto the next. You may either hold your finger tips on these areas or barely pulse your tips onto it.
6. Repeat this process until all the hot areas are gone and or the Migraine has been lifted.
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