One of the most beautiful houses in the world is in Barcelona, Spain owned by the famous footballer, Ronaldhino.

One of the most beautiful castles in the world is Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic.
One of the most beautiful fountains in the world is in Moscow's Square of Europe.
One of the most beautiful train stations in the world is Central Station, Antwerp, Belgium
One of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world is Niagara Falls in the U.S. and Canada.
One of the most beautiful bars in the world is the Aiola Island, located right in the center of the Mur River in Graz, Austria.
One of the most beautiful trees in the world is the Acer Palmatum, Japanese Maple.
One of the most beautiful little girls in the world is this little girl from Afghanistan.
One of the most beautiful bridges int he world is Gateshead Millennium Bridge (Gateshead to Newcastle, UK)
One of the most beautiful trees in the world is the Acer Palmatum, Japanese Maple.
One of the most beautiful little girls in the world is this little girl from Afghanistan.
Two of the most beautiful eyes in the world belong to Sharbat Gula, who is Pashtun, a warlike Afghan tribe.
One of the most beautiful flowers in the world is the Fuchsia.
One of the most beautiful plants in the world is the Persian Shield.
One of the most beautiful fish in the world is the Mandarin Dragonet.
One of the most beautiful gardens in the world is Trebah Gardens in Cornwall.
One of the most beautiful virtual aquariums in the world is in Beijing.
One of the most beautiful living aquariums in the world is in Dubai.
One of the most beautiful birds in the world is the Rainbow Lorikeet.
One of the most beautiful snakes in the world is the Blue Green Tree Python.
One the most beautiful poisonous animals in the world is the Dart Frog.
One of the most beautiful poisonous flowers in the world is the Rhododendron.
One of the most beautiful hoax’s in the world is a plant shaped like a water bubble.
One of the most beautiful ruins in the world is Melrose Abbey in Scotland.
One of the most beautiful things made from trash in the world was designed by Gary Harvey.

One of the most beautiful demolitions in the world was the Berlin Wall.
One of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world is High Gate in London, England.
Each day when you awake you make a decision, will you choose to see all the beauty in the world or will you allow obstacles to blur your vision of the divinity in life and affect you negatively.
I submit that if at the beginning of each day you make the choice to see challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow that you will begin to notice that, not only have negative situations become few and far between, but, your life as well as others around you have begun to change.
Negativity cannot enter the mind that is set to only receive positive input.
See life from a different perspective and it will follow your lead. What you see is what you sow, what you sow is what you reap, what you reap is what you eat, what you eat is who you become.
Choose to only feed yourself with the beauty of life and it will show you its wonders.
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