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Friday, August 19, 2011

Inconsiderate or Nconsiderate???

So, here is a random thought I had today that is a bit confounding to me.

I find it odd that the definition of the word  inconsiderate  actually has the opposite meaning of the two base words that make up this conjunction.

According to Merriam-Webster
In — is used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits
Considerate-thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others
 within the limits of thoughtfulness of the rights and feeling of others

Which leads me to my point.

Shouldn't that mean that you are currently the epitome of consideration?

Wouldn't it be more appropriate if the spelling were Nconsiderate as in short for Not Considerate?

It makes me wonder if the translation through the ages was misinterpreted and we all should really be spelling it Nconsiderate and Ndescribable and Nconceivable!

Just a thought! Njoy!

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