The human body is a miraculous synergistic system. It can build, repair, monitor and communicate. Pain is one of the many tools the body uses to communicate with the mind.
Pain is your body's way of saying "Hey, stop what you are doing and pay attention. Something is wrong!"
Pain is often a preemptive strike to prevent further more severe damage.
As a MT people come to me when their body has screamed so loud and hard at them that they can no longer ignore it. So, it is clear to me that people ignore their body's warnings and neglect to read the desperate signs it uses to get the point across, and that point is that if something isn't changed severe consequences are on their way.
Studies have shown that the body is psychosomatic. Which means your emotional state is directly linked to your physical well being. It has been found that there are correlations between physical ailments and specific emotional stimuli.
From experience I can say that these correlations are extremely accurate and I have seen conditions reverse and disappear just by acknowledging the root of the problem and tackling it head on. For example, I had a client who suffered from debilitating migraines and a recurring pain in her left shoulder. She was a physical trainer, in excellent physical health and well practiced in the care of her body. Yet these pains still persisted no matter how diligent she was at stretching and relaxation techniques.
I presented to her that she was carrying someone else's emotional baggage and that she was suffering from a loss of control over the situation. I submitted to her that f she trusted in the process of life and allowed this person the opportunity to learn from their difficulties then her migraines and shoulder pain would cease.
She confided that her daughter was having troubles in her marriage and she just couldn't stand to sit by and watch her make mistakes. She wanted to go in and take over the situation, but she knew this wasn't feasible and she felt helpless.
~Here is another truth about pain, it is not just emotional and physical it is spiritual. In order to refine our spirit and be given the opportunity to learn, grow and become stronger, obstacles, difficulties, tragedies and pain is necessary You cannot know what you are capable of if you a never given the chance. In this way pain is a gift to help us along our journey to know when we are off the path of our greater joy and purpose.~
I had her recite a mantra and almost instantly she began to feel relief. I don't know if she kept up with it after our session, but I do know that it works.
I have listed some of the most common ailments that I see with my clients along with the cause and mantra or action to alleviate.
Migraines- Loss of Control ( I trust in the process of life.)
Fever- Holding on to Anger ( I release all anger and bring in only joy and love.)
Lower Back- Personal Financial Worries (I have all that I need. All that I need will be provided.)
Right Shoulder- Carrying Someone Else's Financial Worries (I trust in the process of life.All things have a purpose.)
Left Shoulder- Carrying Someone Else's Emotional Burdens (I trust in the process of life.All things have a purpose. I allow others the gift of the opportunity to grow.)
Upper Back- Lacking in Self- Confidence ( I am a divine being, loved by my creator. I absorb strength, beauty and kindness. I am safe.~ Each morning look at yourself in the mirror and list three good qualities about yourself. Project only positive feedback. You are amazing, beautiful and unique!)
Mid Back- Not Feeling Supported in Life By Those Around You (I am loved, beloved and cared for. I have the strength and support of a divine heavenly father/ mother who loves me. I am watched over with pride in my accomplishments. I am safe.)
Right Hip-Not Having Balance in Life, ie too much work (begin adding more personal time. Do something to activate your creative, inspirational side. Begin to spend more quality time with family- no drama-share positive memories. See the blog: Family Home Evening.)
Left Hip- Not Having Balance in Life, ie too much play ( Tackle a project around the house. Help someone else with their project. Volunteer or visit a retirement home. Be the initiator of productiveness.)
Neck-Does Not Want to See the Present, Too Much Going On. Also, Over Focusing On One Goal or Problem. ( I trust in the process of life. I can handle all that comes my way with grace. I am strength. I am safe.)
I hope that you will begin to listen to what your body is saying to you and heed its warnings. I wish for you much health and happiness! Hope you enjoyed!
Pain is your body's way of saying "Hey, stop what you are doing and pay attention. Something is wrong!"
Pain is often a preemptive strike to prevent further more severe damage.
As a MT people come to me when their body has screamed so loud and hard at them that they can no longer ignore it. So, it is clear to me that people ignore their body's warnings and neglect to read the desperate signs it uses to get the point across, and that point is that if something isn't changed severe consequences are on their way.
Studies have shown that the body is psychosomatic. Which means your emotional state is directly linked to your physical well being. It has been found that there are correlations between physical ailments and specific emotional stimuli.
From experience I can say that these correlations are extremely accurate and I have seen conditions reverse and disappear just by acknowledging the root of the problem and tackling it head on. For example, I had a client who suffered from debilitating migraines and a recurring pain in her left shoulder. She was a physical trainer, in excellent physical health and well practiced in the care of her body. Yet these pains still persisted no matter how diligent she was at stretching and relaxation techniques.
I presented to her that she was carrying someone else's emotional baggage and that she was suffering from a loss of control over the situation. I submitted to her that f she trusted in the process of life and allowed this person the opportunity to learn from their difficulties then her migraines and shoulder pain would cease.
She confided that her daughter was having troubles in her marriage and she just couldn't stand to sit by and watch her make mistakes. She wanted to go in and take over the situation, but she knew this wasn't feasible and she felt helpless.
~Here is another truth about pain, it is not just emotional and physical it is spiritual. In order to refine our spirit and be given the opportunity to learn, grow and become stronger, obstacles, difficulties, tragedies and pain is necessary You cannot know what you are capable of if you a never given the chance. In this way pain is a gift to help us along our journey to know when we are off the path of our greater joy and purpose.~
I had her recite a mantra and almost instantly she began to feel relief. I don't know if she kept up with it after our session, but I do know that it works.
I have listed some of the most common ailments that I see with my clients along with the cause and mantra or action to alleviate.
Migraines- Loss of Control ( I trust in the process of life.)
Fever- Holding on to Anger ( I release all anger and bring in only joy and love.)
Lower Back- Personal Financial Worries (I have all that I need. All that I need will be provided.)
Right Shoulder- Carrying Someone Else's Financial Worries (I trust in the process of life.All things have a purpose.)
Left Shoulder- Carrying Someone Else's Emotional Burdens (I trust in the process of life.All things have a purpose. I allow others the gift of the opportunity to grow.)
Upper Back- Lacking in Self- Confidence ( I am a divine being, loved by my creator. I absorb strength, beauty and kindness. I am safe.~ Each morning look at yourself in the mirror and list three good qualities about yourself. Project only positive feedback. You are amazing, beautiful and unique!)
Mid Back- Not Feeling Supported in Life By Those Around You (I am loved, beloved and cared for. I have the strength and support of a divine heavenly father/ mother who loves me. I am watched over with pride in my accomplishments. I am safe.)
Right Hip-Not Having Balance in Life, ie too much work (begin adding more personal time. Do something to activate your creative, inspirational side. Begin to spend more quality time with family- no drama-share positive memories. See the blog: Family Home Evening.)
Left Hip- Not Having Balance in Life, ie too much play ( Tackle a project around the house. Help someone else with their project. Volunteer or visit a retirement home. Be the initiator of productiveness.)
Neck-Does Not Want to See the Present, Too Much Going On. Also, Over Focusing On One Goal or Problem. ( I trust in the process of life. I can handle all that comes my way with grace. I am strength. I am safe.)
I hope that you will begin to listen to what your body is saying to you and heed its warnings. I wish for you much health and happiness! Hope you enjoyed!
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