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Monday, January 23, 2012

Back in Black: Day 5-Not so good :(

Today I feel like Mike Tyson B& E'd my bedroom last night, administered anesthesia and gave me a beat-down. My entire body aches and feels bruised. I swear if you touch me on any random point on my body I will vomit, as if I have a million buttons equipped with instant projectile capability. Also, a migraine has been persistently thunking the back of my cranium since I awoke this morning.

And I know the only thing that will stop me from feeling like crawling into an Rumpelstiltskin hole and sleeping off the next 500 years is the healing formula of a cheeseburger, fries and coke combination. Only a Happy meal from McDonald's can get rid of the awful way I feel right now.

For the past two days I have missed breakfast and lunch. Last night I had Salmon with dairy-free hollandaise, green beans-N-ham, carrots and a tangelo. Today I've had nothing so far. Mostly because the twisting in my stomach and the pressure in my throat warn that they might not be able to keep it down.

I will post a Salmon w/ hollandaise recipe on here later this week. Right now I'm going back to bed.

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