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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Girl Time and Frozen Ecstasy!

I met a friend the other day after work to discuss the novel I've been working on. We usually set a Girl's Night Out once every month on a Saturday, but life has kind of taken over our Saturdays for the last couple months.

I really value my girl time. I believe it is an important part of being grounded and keeping myself from being all work.

This month we met at a Cafe called Tea Drops. It is one of my favorite places. Part of its charm is that not a lot of people know about it so it stays pleasantly quiet. I love going there because of the atmosphere and the free wi-fi.... Looks comfy, huh?

I also like it because the view is nice...

...and because of the psychedelic cupcakes...

...and because of the variety of drinks. Just look at all those options!
 But, out of all those flavors and choices there is only one that can properly satiate my hunger for sweet, sweet happiness. Only one that can calm my chaos. Only one that can elevate me to a Nirvana-like-bliss, bring visions of a Heaven on earth where all is right with the world, where lions frolic with lambs, everyone loves each other and angels sing hallelujah to the symphony of joyous music in my head,

No, it is not this one!

For there can be only one...

Yes! This delicious frozen goodness can be yours too! Just order it frozen, blended, an extra scoop of Thai, regular milk and a purple or orange straw! Ahh, there is no such joy as wonderful on a Saturday afternoon as is a Thai Bubble Tea!

Okay, moving on to the other reasons why I like this little gem of a Cafe. Though the Thai BT is a pretty darn good reason all on its own... Just sayin'...

One of the best reasons is because the staff is friendly and obliging. Out of all those reasons I'd have to say NO1, next to the Thai Bubble Tea of course,  is that I can sit as long as I like, casually conversing with my friend without having to yell over a multitude of customers or the blaring beat of music.

Taking time out with people who genuinely care for you for no other reason than just being yourself is one of the greatest freedoms we can enjoy. Make sure that you treat yourself to some one-on-one time with a good friend at least once a month and if you are so inclined try a Thai Bubble Tea! Enjoy!


  1. Ah - so that's why you wanted to take a pic of my drink... LOL! It definitely does not look as good as your Thai bubble tea. Thanks for the evening! I enjoyed it. Tricia

  2. Lol! Yep I'm caught! It's kind of a habit I've picked up since blogging. Thanks so much for your feedback, it has been really helpful. I spoke to my editor about what we discussed ans she said she would keep it in mind. I expect to have it back from her this Friday. I am really looking forward to our next Girl's Night!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!