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Monday, August 15, 2011

You Are How You Drive! A List Of Driver's and Their Nature.

I have found that I can learn a lot about a person's nature just by riding next to them while they are driving. It is my opinion that when a person is in the driver's seat they are focused on the road and less apt to work on showing you their best side. This is why I have come to the conclusion that you are how you drive.

Below are just some of my thoughts and opinions on drivers. Perhaps you may see yourself in some of these and can begin to recognize something in your life you need to correct or stop avoiding.

Maybe it will help you see the cars on the road as humans with issues just like you and give them some more consideration than just a honk.

However you take this I hope that you will drive safely and enjoy this post!

The Cut off: Cuts off someone to get into their lane- These people don't care how hard someone has worked to get where they are in life, if they are in the way of their goal The Cutt Off won't give a second thought about running them over or taking credit where it isn't due.

The Enforcer: Won't allow others to get over in their lane, even if the lane is ending-The Enforcer believes people have to work for what they get. Handouts and a helping hand is not in their nature. This person is typically highly judgmental of others.

The Bully: Speeds up when the person in the other lane comes along side them -Noone is going to
get the best of the Bully. As with all Bullies, this person has been abused emotionally, verbally, or physically and this is one of the ways they compensate for their feelings of incompetency.

The Avenger: When passed they then must pass the passer- This spiteful act is by someone who is full of anger. There is something currently in their life that The Avenger has little control over. To feel some semblance of the power they've lost The Avenger see's other drivers as a proxy for the person who has taken away their self-worth. They do this to show that the offender cannot get away with what they are doing.

The Pusher: Consistently uses the lane that says ending soon so they can cut in at the farthest point in the line.- This driver has little regard for others when they have a goal in mind. The Pusher doesn't mind stepping on a few toes or tires to get where they are going. They often leave bridges aflame in their wake.

The Line Cutter: Cuts in line where ever they can- This person is afraid to be left out of the loop. They want to be the first to know everything and it will drive them nuts if they think someone knows something before they do.

The Loner: Doesn't use turn signals- There are two types of people for this. 1.They believe that they don't need anyones help.  They can do it all on their own. Most likely this comes from being burnt a few times and deciding that they're better off by themselves.

2.They've lived and learned that people do not help others. They are certain that as soon as they alert anyone that they are in need of help, others will do what they can to prevent The Loner from succeeding.

The Yeller: Yells at people as they drive-They' ve had enough and feel helpless and frustrated. Usually, The Yeller is someone who does everything for everyone and gets nothing in return.

The Small-Driver: Drives along side semis-  These people have what is called small-man syndrome. Even though they may not be physically small. Somewhere inside of The Small-Driver there is person that says "Hey, I can take this!" They have a need to overcompensate and show others that they are more than what they seem. That or they are just completely oblivious to their surroundings.

The Snob: Stops in front of drives and intersections if traffic is backed up- That's just being inconsiderate. The Snob sees people who need help, but have decided that they are not the one who's going to do it. This person tends to judge a book by its cover.

The Rebel: Doesn't wear seatbelt- As their name suggests this driver is like a rebellious child who refuses to commit to anything and does not consider the role they play in others lives. Being responsible is not high on The Rebel's list of priorities.

The Weaver: Weaves in and out of traffic- These drivers have a goal or at least want a purpose. The Weaver may be someone who is always running late and needs to be better prepared. Regardless their eye is on the prize which means the people around them are just obstacles they have to maneuver around.

The Tasker: Has a mobile device or some other form of media attached to their ear or hand- The Tasker likes to think of themselves as a fine multi-tasker. The problem is they are so focused on their goal that they forget the people around them. They are unaware of how their single-mindedness has affected others lives. The Tasker feels as though there just isn't enough time in the day to get things done and will run themselves ragged trying to fit in one more thing before the lights go out.

The Good Friend: You let people over when they use their signal- You recognize that we are all in this world together and believe in doing what you can to make it a better place.

The Good Samaratain: If you see the other lane is ending you allow people over even if they don't use their signal.- If you see someone in need you don't wait for them to ask, you help them however you can.

The Respecter: You allow semi drivers to get in the lane even if it means holding up traffic behind you and if you have to pass them you speed by as fast as you can- Ah, A like-minded coward! I'm glad there's more than one of me! You have a natural respect for things that are bigger than you and make a point to stay out of their way. If you see a huge problem coming you're way you tend to start making preparations before it gets there. You also have a soft spot for big lumbering giants, "freaks" or people who are usually, mistakenly, thought to have it all together and you make concessions to help these people, knowing that most won't.

The Supporter: When traffic is backed up you leave the drives and intersections open- You are the support in your family. You are the one who makes sure everyone gets taken care of and noone gets left behind.

The Leader: When noone else is letting in the guy who sped down the ending soon lane, you will. You know that people are humans and they make mistakes. You know you've made mistakes and sometimes it is hard for people to ask for help. You do not jump to conclusions, rather you take into consideration that you do not know the reasons behind why someone acts the way they do. You also are the driver who will be the first to make a decision to go around the stalled vehicle or the stop light that is malfunctioning. You take the initiative to show people that their is hope. You often find yourself as the mediator.

The Guardian: You wear your seatbelt- Aside from obeying the law you recognize that their are people who count on you and you choose to be responsible even if the situation is uncomfortable. You will often stand up for those who are being oppressed.

The Hero: You allow at least one driver out of a side-line, parking lot, intersection, exit or driveway when traffic is backed up and these cars are blocked off.- You know getting through this world is tough. You can't stand to see someone get tramppled on or overlooked. The under-dog can be your friend anytime. You are someone who gives others a glimmer of hope and are how this world beings to change.

I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on drivers and what kind of driver you think you are.

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