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Monday, August 22, 2011

Washing Away Negativity!

When I worked at Heartstrings, a community foundation that assists and trains adults with developmental challenges, I learned a very valuable lesson about clearing negativity.

My first day there I was informed by another staff member about one of our clients, we will call him Vince, “If Vince says he needs to go to the bathroom, do not ask him if he can wait, just let him go. He doesn’t actually need to use the rest room. He just needs to wash his hands. If you don’t let him he will have an accident.”

Vince had a condition called Fragile X Syndrome, it causes hypersensitivity to external stimuli. To get an idea of what it is like for Vince imagine if you could hear EVERY conversation within a 20 foot radius, the humming of the lights in the room, the buzz of the batteries in cell phones, the ticks of watches, the zooming and exhaust of the cars outside, and the whir of the air-conditioning. Then add that the lights around you are too bright and every movement in the room, hand gestures, the turn of heads, etc all seems to be right in your face. Now try to carry on a conversation at the same time—that is a rudimentary idea of what it is like to have Fragile XS.

Needless to say it can be extremely overwhelming for the senses, but Vince had figured out a way to calm all that down to a manageable level. He would simply wash his hands with cold water.

While I was at Heartstrings I was also in school for massage therapy. One day we went over residual negative energy accumulated from the stresses of life and how to clear that negativity from ourselves.

Can you guess what it was? Wash your hands! That’s right by running cold water from your elbows down to your hands the water acts as a conduit for the molecules of negative or technically positive ions and also resets your psyche.

Once as an LMT I worked on a client and did not follow through with this ritual cleansing. That week I wrote my friend an extremely accusatory letter about how she had just been using me and now that I wasn’t available she no longer had any use for me. Needless to say she was shocked and dismayed to receive something so out of character from me.

It took her patient letter addressing my crazy-talk and another week of flying off the handle at any little thing, being constantly angry and paranoid of others, impatient, frustrated, indignant, intolerant, judgmental of how people treated me, and having panic attacks before I realized exactly who I was emulating-- the client I had worked on and neglected to clear myself afterward.

This client worked with people all day long at a Charity for the less fortunate and all day she picked up and absorbed their negativity. She truly required clearing several times throughout the day, yet still by the time she would come to me she had taken on pretty much all the problems of everyone she’d met that week. Because I had removed it, it came to me. Because I didn’t clear it I was affected by it.

This client is a very strong woman to be able to exist with this kind of pressure on a constant basis. I did not have the years of experience to handle all this at once as she did.

I immediately cleansed my arms with cold water and re-grounded myself through meditation. I don’t recall how long it took me to get back to my old self, whether it was instant or took time. What I do remember is that I had to do a LOT of apologizing and explaining that week. Let me tell you it is NOT easy to explain away bad behavior spurred by the collection and influence of energy without sounding either like a lame cop-out or completely spaced.

Now, I’m not saying that it was all caused by this client. I had to have issues of my own to draw from and one of them is obviously a fear of being used and dropped by my friends. From then on anytime I have an encounter with any negative or stressful situation as immediately as is appropriate I clear myself by literally washing it away with water.

Thanks to Vince I was able to see first hand the power of cleansing and witness his silent testimony that, without anyone telling him, he discovered on his own what it took me to two years of college to learn—stick with what works and when around stressful people or situations don’t allow it to cling to you like a dirty monkey--just wash it away.

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