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Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Best from Scratch Brownies Ever!

I love brownies, especially when they are warm from the oven and paired with a glass of milk. 

1 1/4 stick Unsalted Butter
1/1/4 cup Agave necatar or Sugar
3/4 cup Cocao ( I use Navitas Raw Cacao)
1/4 tsp Salt ( Himalayan)
1/2 tsp Vanilla ( preferably genuine, not imitation)
1/2 cup Sweet Sorghum Flour and 1Tbsp Xanthum Gum Powder or Regualr All-purpose will do
2 Large Eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 325
  2. In a small sauce pan add butter, sugar and cocao. Whisk until thouroughly mixed.
  3. Separate yolks from whites. Add the eolk one at a time into the cocao mixture, whisking continually. This should thicken.
  4. Remove pan from heat.
  5. Whip whites until peaked.
  6. Add. Vanilla and salt to Cocao mixture and fold in whipped whites. 
  7. Pour into a greased 8 in pan.
  8. Bake fro 20 minutes
  9. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes.
  10. Then Enjoy!

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