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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Health Benefits of Ginger Root & Indian Ginger Tea Recipe!

September 13, 2011, 11:33pm
The health benefits of the Ginger Root is typically unknown by most people. I was turned on to a Ginger Milk Tea by a friend from India. It seems Gingers healing properties on the liver is widely used in her country. I have tried to replicate the drink that she made me, but since the tea can only be purchased in India I've had to come up with my own substitute. I've added the recipe below. First, I'd like you to know why you should add Ginger to your diet. So, I have listed some of the major health benefits derived from this wondrous root.

Detox- By warming the system and assisting in the expelling of toxins through the pores of the skin instead of the liverAdd 2Tbsp fresh ginger juice to a hot bath for 20 minutes, best if 1 cup epsom salt is added. Drink plenty of water.
Ovarian Cancer Treatment- The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that ginger powder induced cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied.
Colon Cancer Prevention -The University of Minnesota found that ginger may retard the growth of colorectal cancer cells.
Motion Sickness, Chemotherapy Nausea & Morning Sickness Remedy-is just as effective as vitamin B6 for morning sickness. Works better than dramamine.
Good for the Liver & Cholesterol- As little as 5 grams of dried ginger a day slows the production of triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol in the liver.
Good for the Heart & Prevents Blood Clots- Ginger also prevents platelets from sticking together, a condition that would increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Powerful Natural Painkiller- By compress
Reduces Pain and Inflammation- By drink or poultice
Heartburn Relief -taken in tea form
Digestive Aid- taken in tea form
Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment -including Stomach flu and food poisioning.
Migraine Relief-by stopping prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood 
vessels. Take at the first sign of a migraine Prepare ginger tea by steeping 1 tsp. of ginger root in 1 cup of boiling water.
Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy -A study done on diabetic rat showed that diabetic
nephropathy (kidney damage) was reduced in rats given ginger.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Raynaud's Syndrome Treatment-by stimulating blood circulation.Take fresh ginger juice, extract, or tea, 2 - 4 grams daily. Topical ginger oil may also be rubbed into a painful joint. Fresh ginger root may also be placed in a warm poultice or compress and apply to painful areas.
Ginger also stimulates appetite, fight body odor, gas, indigestion, lowers blood pressure and promotes perspiration.

Indian Ginger Tea
2 cups milk
1 tbsp fresh  ginger
1 tbsp preferred tea ( I used Thai. Rooibos would be good too)
1/4 cup Agave nectar or sugar

Grate ginger

In small sauce pan over medium heat add milk
Add tea

Add Ginger
Mix and heat until warm or steam rises approximately 5 minutes

Add Agave or sugar

Remove from heat and pour into mesh strainer
 Squeeze out juices with spoon
Pour into cup and Enjoy!

For more information on use and precautions go to: 
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