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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday: Fast Testimony

On the first and fifth Sunday of each month the congregation is given the chance to come up and bear their testimony of their faith and belief int he gospel. This ritual is one of the ways that we support each other and edify our faith. Typically, each person will say that they know Jesus is our savior and died for our sins so that we could be sin-free or that the gospel is true. For those of you who were not able to attend today, I have listed below the testimonies that stuck out in my mind. There were several great ones that left me with the spirit, but I cannot recall the words. What I have written is of course not verbatim, but it is how I remember it. Some of these you will be able to tell are from children. Enjoy!

I've been coming to church since I was born. So, for me it is just a natural routine for me to get up and come on Sunday, there is a comfort in that. But, I do know that it is not that easy for everyone. And some of you may feel that you don't want to be here. It may not be easy or comfortable for you to walk through those doors, but you came anyway.  Out of all the places that you could be today you chose to be here with us. Out of all the many fun things that are out there that you could be doing you chose to be here today. I would like to thank you for that Because when you come you give the rest of us inspiration and the comfort of hope.

I know that Jesus was born and came to the earth and performed miracles including giving his life so that we may be free of sin. What this means is that through repentance every mournful thing you've done in the past is forgiven and forgotten by God and by ourselves. It is to be as if it never happened and can not be held against you. What a miraculous gift to receive.

New-borns are God's way of saying that the earth isn't done yet, it will go on- Henry Wadsworth?

When Niche said his infamous quote, "God is Dead" that wasn't something he necessarily believed; he was talking about society. We need to get better at helping each other have hope.

When I come to church it makes me feel good, even when I'm grounded.

I know God is real because why else would there be a church and why else would we be here? He may not be here in everyone of us all the time, but he is here and it makes me feel better. i wish I had more to say, but I don't sooo.....

While talking to my husband about the missionaries, I forgot that I still had on the headgear from the video game I was playing. Suddenly, I found myself talking about my beliefs with people I had never met--while playing a video game! Missionary work can happen in the most unlikely scenarios.

It brings me comfort to know that our families are eternal.

I knew the book was true the moment I laid my hand upon it; I had this overwhelming experience wash over me; I still get that feeling.

You can find happiness when you serve others. When my grandson calls me up and I ask him how he's doing, sometimes he will reply, "I'm bored" and then I'll say. "Then go out and do some service for someone." Young people these days need a good sense of service, sitting around and lounging about saying their bored gets them nowhere.  In service you will find joy.

I can always tell when God wants me to get up here and speak. It's like he gives me the choice between having a heart-attack or speaking; I choose life.

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