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Thursday, September 8, 2011


Each of us has a time in our life when sleep has eluded us.We toss and turn exhausted, frustrated and helpless to that evil mistress Insomnia! Well, I've found a few tricks to send her packing to sandman land!

First, lets start with the causes of insomnia and some essential oil remedies.

Insomnia can be caused by:

  • Bowel or Liver Toxicity
  • Poor Heart Function
  • Negative Memories
  • Trauma
  • Depression
  • Mineral Deficiencies
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Underactive Thyroid
Use only 100% essential oils and if you have sensitive skin dilute with olive, grapeseed, apricot or avocado oil. 1 Tbsp oil to 5-15 drops essential.

Remedy I: Lavender, Cedarwood, Cammomile, Orange, Rosemary, Verbena.
Application: Behind the ears, back of neck, temples and under the nose.
Effect: Calming of the mind.

Remedy II: Pepper, Sage, Peppermint, Nutmeg.
Application: Behind the ears, back of neck, temples and under the nose.
Effect: Relieves Mental Fatigue.

Remedy III: 1 tsp Sage,  1/4 tsp Nutmeg I cup Milk, Honey to taste. heat and let stand for 3 minutes. remove sage.
Application: Drink
Effect: Calms the System

Remedy IV: 5-10 drops Lavender, 1 cup Epsom, Salts, I cip Baking Soda, 2 tsp Ginger Powder. 
Application: Mix in hot bath and soak 20 minutes.
Effect: Expels toxins from the system without taxing the liver.
Note: Signs that you are NOT drinking enough water: Headache, Nausea, General Muscle/body achiness.
  • Keep a journal of throw away memories. 
    • How: Write down all the things that are bothering you and any negative thoughts, situations or encounters that come to your mind.

    • Why: I know we always hear that we should focus on the positive and not the negative. However, studies showed that writing negative thoughts improved sleep and reduced stress. Whereas writing positive one did not! I think this is the same scenario as when you hold in all your angst it builds, and builds until it blows your top off. By writing it down you are literally getting it out of your system and closing the book on negativity.

  • Drink warmed Honey Sage Milk before bed. 
    • How: 1 cup milk, 6Tbsp Honey, 1 tsp dried Sage. Heat in microwave safe cup for  two minutes.

    • Why: I know the thought of sage and milk together sends you images of your face puckering at the awful taste, but you would be wrong. The sage is a nice subtle compliment to the sweetness of the honey. Once warmed a chemical in milk called tryptophan which the brain uses to build serotonin and melatonin, both compounds that help us relax. Also, the warm milk is a automatic association for being comforted during feeding times as a infant. Remember the term Sleep like a baby?
  • Take a COLD shower!
    • How: Start by making the water luke warm so that you can stand to step into it. Then while under the shower turn slightly colder, get used to the temp and then slowly graduate until the water is just a bit colder than you think you can stand it.  

    • Why: This may sound backwards since were usually told to take a warm bath to relax our muscles, but if you have insomnia I’m guessing that this hasn’t worked for you. When you take a cold shower you drop your body temperature at a rapid rate and it has to work double time to maintain your normal temperature. Which means it burns a lot of energy. In fact you can burn 400 calories an hour by shivering.

  • Keep your bedroom cool.
    • How:  65F or 18C is the ideal temperature for sound sleep.

    • Why: for the same reason as taking a cold shower.

  • Eat something.
    • How: Stay away from garlicy, spicy and foods high in fat as they can give you heartburn. Instead, the Mayo Clinic has suggested eating a bowl of oatmeal or yogurt with granola before bead. also, tray a banana or half a turkey sandwich. 

    • Why: I know, your mother said eating just before bed would give you nightmares and you'd gain ten pounds overnight, but she was wrong. Gasp! By now going to bed hungry you prevent hunger pains from waking you in the middle of the night. Plus as an added bonus, it keeps your metabolism burning while you sleep.

  • Stop drinking alcohol and caffeine eight hours before bed! 

    How: Replace it with water. 

    Why: That’s how long it can stimulate your system.

  • Practice a breathing technique called 4,7,8. 
    How: Breath in through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 7 counts, exhale through your mouth for eight counts. Repeat four times. Make sure the exhale is an audible Whoosh and the inhale is quiet.

    • Why: It acts as a natural tranquilizer and clams your nervous system. this works really well during stressful situations or panic attacks too.
  • Keep post it notes next to your bed.
    How: If something is bothering you or you get a great idea write it down.
    Why: This allows your mind to let go of the thought knowing that you can pick it up again tomorrow when your mind is fresh.

  • Cover all light sources in your room. 
    How: That means the DVD player light ( which you really should not have in your bedroom), the alarm clock and the battery charger to your phone.

    Why: Even the smallest amount of light can trigger some people's internal clocks to stay awake.

  • Change the light bulbs in your room to a lower watt.
    How: Choose a 40 watt bulb or even a 25 or 7 watt if you can get by with using it for what you need to do before bed. Start dimming the lights from 1 hour to 30 minutes before bed.

    Why: The darkening of the room cues the body that it is indeed night time and that it should start winding down.

  • Start a routine before you go to bed.
    How: 1 hour before bed: turn off all the lights except the low watt ones,

    45 minutes before bed: turn on some relaxing lullaby type music and set pout clothes for the next day,

    30 minutes before bed: Set the alarm clock and cover all excess light sources,

    20 minutes before bed: Make some warm herbal tea and set covered next to bedside and take a cold shower,

    2 minutes before bed snuggle under covers and sip warm herbal tea. Turn off light and sink down into covers. Sweet dreams.

    If you lie awake more than 15 minutes try reading or writing in your throw away memories journal or deep breathing. Choose a routine that works for you. the key is to stick to it so that your body gets used to it.

    • Why: So that your body is trained to know the cue for when it should be winding down for sleep. Eventually, it will automatically begin to shut-down for the night at the same time. 

Enjoy Sweet Dreams!

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